6 Hide Places Of Cockroaches | How To Get Rid Of Them

These cockroaches can measure over 2 inches in length with different species tending to be larger. They are in tropical regions. They have six legs 3 each side on their body and have wings to fly but they don’t generally fly. Their body structure is oval in shape like a cockroach’s mouth is both backward and downward. Male cockroaches are smaller than females in size. Well now we know enough about cockroaches now it’s time to control them. So, we will know how to get rid of them or to control cockroaches.

Places Of Cockroaches
Places Of Cockroaches

Now let’s know about 6 hide places of cockroaches where they live in your house:

  • You can find them on the ceilings of your house as most cockroaches have the ability to fly and crawl. They are generally present in dark places like the store room, inside the ceiling holes etc places.
  • Inside the pipes or behind them
  • Behind the furniture 
  • Under cardboard  and papers(newspapers)
  • In electrical appliances
  • In your storeroom
  1. By using boric acid – Boric acid is known as the best pest encountering remedy and as you know cockroaches are kinds of pest. So, all you have to do is dust some of the powder in the corners of the house floor and as soon as the cockroaches come in contact with them they will die. Always remember boric acid won’t work when it is wet so try to keep it in a moisture-retentive place and keep it away from your children and pets because it is poisonous for them too.
  2. Use of baking soda – Baking soda is the best classical remedy for any kind of pest and for cockroaches as well, combination of sugar is a big success for Organic Pest Control. Just simply sprinkle it in their hideouts and after some time your home will be cockroaches free.
  3. Professional help – Professionals can help you a lot in dealing with the roaches in your house or around. They will take all your tension even though they are a bit expensive but they are totally worth it. You will praise their work after you get to know them. They have proper equipment and a lot of experience that will reduce your stress as soon as you get to know them and about their work. Now we will discuss how to contact them, you can find it on your browser or in the newspapers as well. It’s on you whether you should or you shouldn’t hire them. You can also check customer’s review about them before hiring.


By implementing the aforementioned 6 hide places of Cockroaches and how to get rid of them, you will undoubtedly achieve effective and quick results in a short period of time. These methods have been tested for signs of cockroach at your home, making the risk of unprofessional measures almost negligible. Hope it would have benefitted you by making your work easier than before, stay updated for similar articles like this.

5 Early Signs Of Cockroach At Your Home

When you notice a cockroach in your home, then, you should understand that there are more cockroaches hidden anywhere in your home. As cockroach control is one of the toughest jobs to do, you might not know. They can live without their head for at least a week. Now, as you know about them, you must be willing to do something to do cockroach control. Before you notice a cockroach in your home, you will get the signs of their presence and you need to identify those signs to do cockroach control timely. They will increase in number and you won’t be able to eliminate them.

Cockroach At Your Home
Cockroach At Your Home

In this article, we are going to share with you 5 early signs of cockroaches in your home. Let’s what are the signs of cockroach infestation:

  1. Allergy symptoms: Cockroaches leave their feces or exoskeletons everywhere in your home which contains some kind of protein that causes allergic problems in many people. If you are noticing that you are facing allergy problems lately, then, it is one of the symptoms of cockroaches. You should understand that they have infested your home. Their presence will raise allergic problems like wheezing, stuffy nose, tightness in the chest, or itchy eyes. Cockroach presence can also cause asthma to you. So, it is very important that you do professional pest control in Darlinghurst.
  2. Cockroach feces: Many individuals see cockroach feces in their homes, however, don’t understand what they are. They don’t seem to be bunnies or termite feces. Rather, they seem like espresso beans. The feces are dull in variety and change in size. Some are basically as little as a bit of pepper, while others resemble little grains of rice. You might see heaps or bunches of these feces in corners or in the backs of cupboards. Cockroach feces can hold onto in excess of 33 sorts of microorganisms, so be mindful while tidying them up. Wear gloves and a facial covering, and utilize a vacuum to suck up free feces prior to washing the surface with a sanitizer cleaner.
  3. Cockroach odors: If your home smells mysterious, then, it must be because of the presence of cockroaches. When you remove cockroaches from your home, then, the bad smell will also vanish.
  4. Chewed packages or disappearing food: Cockroaches especially, feed themselves with leftover foods or chewed packages. For pest control services, you need to remove the chewed packages or if you are noticing that your food items are disappearing then, it is one of the most common major reasons for cockroach infestation.
  5. Egg cases: After cockroaches will infest your home, then, they will start breeding their eggs and you will be able to find egg cases which is one of the signs of the cockroach infestation. For cockroach control in the right way, you need to check or identify the species too. After you identify the species, do something to remove them.


So, these are the 5 early signs of a cockroach infestation. As soon as you get these signs, do something to control cockroaches and remove them as soon as you can with residential pest control.